Monday 18 March, 2024

4 Easy Ideas to Declutter Fast with Plastic Bins

When you decide to declutter your home, you may feel daunted at the start by just how many decluttering tasks are ahead of you. There are a lot of small chores you can do though to jumpstart the process and start to declutter your home fast. Plastic bins for organizing are some of the most […]

When you decide to declutter your home, you may feel daunted at the start by just how many decluttering tasks are ahead of you. There are a lot of small chores you can do though to jumpstart the process and start to declutter your home fast. Plastic bins for organizing are some of the most practical supplies you can make use of in the process. There are a lot of ways you can use them, but here are a few quick organizing projects you can tackle!

1. Set up a filing system in your home office.

Have a ton of paperwork piling up in your home office, but don’t own a filing cabinet? Filing cabinets are expensive, and not everyone can justify the purchase. One great alternative is to use a system of plastic containers for files. This will help you clear off that messy pile of your desk in no time at all.

2. Mail organization system.

Have mail stacking up in your front hall or on your kitchen counter? If you are tired of looking at bills strewn around everywhere, and sick of mixing up your incoming and outgoing mail, a mail organization system is a must. All you need is a few plastic bins! You can set up one for outgoing mail, and several for incoming mail. You can either sort those according to the recipient or the type of mail. For example, bills could go in one bin, and letters could go in another, and anything requiring a response could have a separate bin.

3. The craft room.

Another great use for plastic bins is in the craft room. Whether you need to organize paints, crocheting supplies, scrapbooking supplies, beads or any other crafting supplies, plastic craft bins are your best friend. They are also excellent for corralling scraps, which as you know can get out of control quickly.

4. The playroom.

Does your child’s playroom or bedroom look like a tornado has blown through it? Are there toys scattered across the floor and heaped up high in every corner? Plastic bins are perfect for getting toys put away while still keeping them easily accessible even to small children. For children who share playrooms, they are a particularly smart option, because children can label the bins or choose bins in their favorite colors. This helps them sort their toys and keep them separate, which in turn prevents squabbles between possessive siblings.

All four of these decluttering and organizing chores are fast and easy, and may only take you a few minutes to complete! You can size up at a glance how many bins you need and which types would be best. So there is no excuse to avoid any of these projects. Once you complete them, you will feel a sense of instant accomplishment. The results will be immediately obvious to you and to everyone else who sees them. This should give you the encouragement you need to take on tougher organizational challenges!

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