News Category
Is it Safe to Microwave Plastic?
You pull your plastic containers for leftovers out of the freezer and get ready to pop them in your microwave to heat up a quick dinner. But before you press the button, you can’t help but wonder: should you really be doing that? At one point or other, all of us have heard someone say […]
How to Weld a Plastic Bin Back Together
Need to repair a cracked plastic container? While your first thought might be to just toss the bin and replace it, you can actually fix a cracked plastic container through a relatively simple welding process. The supplies required are pretty basic, and you can do this job with beginning welding skills. Read on to find […]
Best Budget Ideas for Dorm Room Storage
Best Budget Ideas for Dorm Room Storage When it comes to looking for ideas to organize and decorate a dorm room on a budget, you will find that there are actually ample options out there. Most college students do not have a lot of money to spend on dorm room organization ideas, and this is […]
Questions to Ask Before Shopping For Your Dorm Room
Working through a dorm room shopping checklist can feel like the mother lode of all chores. Whether you are a student or a parent, it can be tempting to buy every single item on the list you have been given by the university, but in actuality, that is one of the most common dorm room […]
Organizing Your Backpacking Gear with Plastic Storage Boxes
When you first start getting into camping and backpacking, you may not have a lot of gear. A lot of people start out by borrowing gear from family or friends who go camping more often. But as time goes by, you may find yourself accumulating more and more backpacking gear. Before you know it, you […]
Why Choose Plastic Containers for Under-Bed Storage?
If you are looking for a way to free up space in a bedroom, you may be thinking about under-the-bed storage. You may be debating whether to replace your current bed with a storage bed frame, or invest in under-bed storage bins instead. While there are pros and cons to both choices, I would argue […]
4 Ways to Use Plastic Bins to Organize Pet Supplies
Whether you are a long-time pet owner or you just brought home your very first furry friend from the shelter, one thing you will need to figure out eventually is how to store pet supplies. Many first-time pet owners are at a complete loss for how to do this, and even veteran pet owners may […]
Advantages of Stackable Pet Food Bins
Trying to figure out a better way to store your pet food? Right now, maybe you just keep it inside the original bags. Or maybe you have some kind of plastic, glass or metal dog food storage solutions. Regardless, if you haven’t already, you may want to consider stackable pet food storage bins. What are […]
3 Ways Organizing Your Home Can Save You Money
You have probably thought of organizing to make your home look neater, but have you considered organizing to save money? Organizing your home and life can potentially save you hundreds of dollars a year or more. Of course, it all depends on your life situation, but let’s look at a few examples of ways in […]
3 Ways Organizing Your Finances Can Save You Money
Trying to figure out how to organize your financial records? If so, you have probably figured out by now that it is a pretty extensive task, especially if right now you are basically flying by the seat of your pants. This may cause you to wonder whether it is even worth it to take the […]
How to Organize Photos
You probably made the transition over to a digital camera a long time ago, and most of your newer photographs are likely stored on your computer. Still, some people continue using analog cameras because they enjoy their output and the process. You may also have a number of older photographs that you need to keep […]
Organize a Morning Launch Pad
Looking for family organization ideas? Have you ever heard of a “family launch pad?” Also known as a “family command center,” this is a spot in your house where family members can “launch” their day. Technically even a single person living alone can benefit from a spot like this, but for a family with children, […]
Organize a Shipping Station
Are you an online retailer? If so, there is nothing better than watching orders rolling in—and nothing more challenging than packing and shipping them out in a timely fashion. If you are inefficient at packing, you can add hours to your work day, which may very well eat into the time you usually spend manufacturing […]
How to Organize Taxes: Long-Term Storage Solutions
In a recent post, I talked about how you can use storage bins for documents to help you get organized for tax season. But what do you do with your documents for past years? How long do you need to keep them, and how can you make sure that they stay organized? How Long To […]
How to Organize Taxes: Documents to File
What is the most stressful time of the year? For a lot of people, the answer is the same every year: tax season. Taxes are stressful for a million reasons. You may owe money on your taxes, or the government may think you do. You are dealing with bureaucracy, and bureaucrats are seldom organized. And […]