News Category
How to Organize Makeup for College
Moving into a dorm room for the first time in a few months? It is one of the most exciting times in your life, preparing to be a freshman in college. But once you take a tour on campus and see the size of your dorm room, you may wonder how you will ever organize […]
Organize Makeup, Jewelry, and Accessories While Traveling With Plastic Bins
Getting ready to go on a trip? If so, you may be looking for the best ways to organize makeup for travel, along with jewelry and other accessories. No wardrobe is complete without them! But to travel with a makeup kit along with your jewelry, hair clips, and other small odds and ends, you need […]
How to Use Plastic Bins to Organize Your Bucket List
What’s on your bucket list? Do you dream of traveling to foreign lands? Skydiving? Learning how to surf? Most of us have a catalog of dreams in our heads—but there is a good chance you actually have a catalog of documents and paraphernalia relating to at least some of the items on your bucket list […]
Organize Cords for Travel
Few things are more exciting in life than planning for a vacation. But doing so is undeniably complicated when it comes to the organizational end of the equation. In particular, it is difficult to come up with a good method for organizing the small odds and ends that you need to bring with you while […]
4 Ways to Use Plastic Bins to Organize Pet Supplies
Whether you are a long-time pet owner or you just brought home your very first furry friend from the shelter, one thing you will need to figure out eventually is how to store pet supplies. Many first-time pet owners are at a complete loss for how to do this, and even veteran pet owners may […]
Advantages of Stackable Pet Food Bins
Trying to figure out a better way to store your pet food? Right now, maybe you just keep it inside the original bags. Or maybe you have some kind of plastic, glass or metal dog food storage solutions. Regardless, if you haven’t already, you may want to consider stackable pet food storage bins. What are […]
Why Replace Your Drawers with Plastic Bins? Part 2
Have you ever been wrestling with a stuck drawer and though to yourself, “Hey, it would sure be a whole lot easier if I just replaced these with some clear plastic storage bins?” In Part 1 of this series, I went over several great reasons to consider doing just that: 1. Plastic bins have more […]
How to Repair a Broken or Warped Plastic Bin
Trying to fix a warped plastic lid or fix a cracked plastic container? Nothing is more irritating than thinking you are going to have to go out and spend money on a new plastic bin when you have one that would be perfectly usable if it just didn’t have some small issue. You might assume […]
3 Tips for Under-The-Bed Storage
Whether you are moving into a dorm room or simply are in search of small space storage solutions, it is hard to beat the idea of under-the-bed storage. Even if you have a standard bed which sits low to the ground, you probably have some space underneath it. And if you have a bed in […]
Why Replace Your Drawers with Plastic Bins? Part 1
If you look around on Pinterest and websites dedicated to clever organizing solutions for your home, you may notice that a lot of people like to remove the drawers from their chests of drawers and replace them with plastic storage containers with lids. You might wonder what the point of this is, assuming none of […]
Plastic Containers for Slime
Today I was looking up plastic bin trends for craft organization, and I came across an interesting suggested query by Google: small plastic bins for slime. This surprised me somewhat, because it never would have occurred to me to use plastic containers for slime. But it seems that DIY slime containers are in fact in […]
Store Travel Keepsakes in Plastic Bins
Whether you only get to travel once in a great while or it is something you are privileged enough to do all the time, there is no denying that traveling is a special experience that enriches our souls. As we discover more about the amazing world we live in, we also learn more about ourselves. […]
Tips for Getting Papers Organized, Part 2
One of the biggest challenges of organizing around the home is paper clutter management. If you feel like you are drowning in a heap of old papers, it is time to get your paper clutter under control. If you haven’t already, go back to Part 1 to read these tips for how to organize important […]
Tips for Getting Papers Organized, Part 1
You might think that the part of your home clutter which will take longest to organize is the most massive pile of it. Oftentimes however, it is organizing paper clutter which takes forever—even if it looks like it isn’t going to be a big hassle. You can fit a lot of paper inside a single […]
Is Your Clutter Costing You Money?
Getting rid of the clutter in your home has a number of advantages, but one of the best benefits of decluttering is that it can potentially save you money. In fact, you might be surprised at all the ways in which your household clutter is currently costing you financially. Here are just a few examples […]