News Category

Monday 14 December, 2015

10 Steps to Organize the Office Supply Cabinet

All too often the office supply room or cabinet is something which falls by the wayside with businesses. Day to day in the office, you are focused on getting proposals accepted, finalizing contracts, and marketing products and services. Unless you have a dedicated office manager who takes care of the supply cabinet, odds are that […]

Monday 07 December, 2015

A Brief Introduction to Retail Display Equipment, Part 2: Displays for Your Floors

Whether you are just getting started in the world of retail and visual merchandising ideas, or you have been merchandising for some time but are unhappy with your current setup, there may come a time when you need to shop for new retail display cases and fixtures. There are two main types of retail display […]

Monday 30 November, 2015

A Brief Introduction to Retail Display Equipment, Part 1: Displays for Your Walls

Looking for retail display racks for sale, but not sure what to buy? Whether you are new to merchandising, or you have been at it for a while but have never been quite happy with your shop’s retail display fixtures and cases, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different types of […]

Monday 23 November, 2015

Quick Hacks for Garage Organization Part 2

Do you trip over sports equipment, rakes, and brooms when you step into the garage? Do you have trouble pulling you car in and parking it because there is literally no room for you to do it? Do you search everywhere for your tools while you are working on your DIY projects, losing hours just […]

Monday 16 November, 2015

Quick Hacks for Garage Organization Part 1

Typically, the garage is one of the most cluttered areas of the home. It tends to be where we stockpile everything that hasn’t found a home elsewhere in the household, and it also tends to be a multi-use area. Add to that the fact that most garages are unfinished, and it’s easy to understand why […]

Monday 09 November, 2015

Organization Tips for Flu Season

Chances are no matter where you live in the country, you have encountered someone who has had the flu, if you haven’t been the one to come down with it yourself. While being sick is no fun, and you probably don’t feel too energized if you are, it is important to keep your household clean […]

Monday 02 November, 2015

Benefits of an Organized Desk

It can be overwhelming trying to get organized. While you are searching for home office organization products or tips for organizing your desk at work, you may wonder about the benefits of an organized office. Why is it so important to make all that effort? Do you really need a place for everything and everything […]

Monday 26 October, 2015

Tips for Storing Clothing

If you own a lot of clothing, there may be times of the year when you put a lot of it in storage. Maybe you pack away your winter clothes during the summer months, or your summer clothes over the winter. Or perhaps you are saving hand-me-down clothes from your growing child for a future […]

Monday 19 October, 2015

How to Organize Gloves, Mittens, Scarves, and Other Winter Gear

Are you still looking at your winter gear in the middle of summer? It’s pretty annoying going through your closet and tripping over fallen scarves and mittens. If you are wondering how to organize gloves and hats and other winter gear, here are some ideas! • Try door shoe organizers. For something invented for such […]

Monday 12 October, 2015

How to Organize Your Desk at Home

Organizing a desk at home can pose some unique challenges. For one, you may actually be organizing a small desk area without a lot of space to spare. Maybe you do not even have a home office, and your desk is just pushed inside a little nook somewhere in another room. For another thing, you […]

Monday 05 October, 2015

What Can You Use to Organize Makeup?

Makeup is great for beautifying your face, but not so much for beautifying your dresser drawer, your closet, or your bathroom counter. In fact, you really only need a small assortment to make a mess. Just a few lip gloss tubes and a handful of eyeshadow colors can easily get mixed together, making it hard […]

Monday 28 September, 2015

How to Organize Your Desk at Work

Settling into a new office is never easy. You have new routines to learn, new coworkers to adapt to working with, and new procedures to memorize. You also have a new work desk to get used to, and starting over with office organization can pose a real challenge when you are also busy trying to […]

Monday 21 September, 2015

How to Organize Hair Stuff

When you are looking through the clutter in your dresser drawer and trying to figure out how to organize your beauty supplies, you’ll have to think about organizing hair stuff. This includes all those bottles of hairspray and hair gel, your styling tools, your hair bows, clips, ties, and more. All those things can quickly […]

Monday 14 September, 2015

Fall Retail Display Ideas

Autumn is finally here, and it’s the biggest season in retail as every salesperson knows. In just a couple of months, Black Friday will be here. And many customers start doing their winter holiday shopping as early as this month. Stores that get festive and start getting into the spirit of fall are more likely […]

Monday 07 September, 2015

6 Fall Organizing Tips

It’s well into autumn, which means the days are getting darker and we’re closing in on the holidays! The days may still have the same amount of hours in them, but with so much to do and so little time, it probably feels like they are literally getting shorter! Do you have your fall organizing […]