News Category
3 Home Organization Projects for Fall
It is hard to believe it, but autumn is finally here! Hopefully you had a productive summer getting organized around the home. Some tasks make more sense to take care of in autumn, though. Kids are going back to school, and things are finally starting to settle down again around the household. That is a […]
How Do You Organize Your Man Cave?
Nowadays it’s a popular trend to section off a room in the home to serve as a kind of male sanctuary. This room might be distinct from other rooms in the home (For example, a spare bedroom which has been converted for the purpose), or it could be doubling as the garage, basement, study, or […]
5 Ways to Use Bins and Cubbies for Storage
As you know, plastic storage containers for home and office use are our specialty. We talk a lot about the myriad ways you can use plastic storage boxes, but one subject we haven’t discussed a lot is cubbies. Bins and cubbies go together like peas in a pod! There are so many ways you can […]
Back to School: A Great Time to Organize Your Child’s Room
You can shout “Clean up your room!” all day after school starts, and you are going to be fighting an uphill battle for results. Okay … more of an uphill battle. It is always a struggle to get your kids to clean up their rooms, but you can be sure of one thing. Once they […]
4 Ways to Help Kids Organize for School
It’s back to school time! On one hand, you may be breathing a sigh of relief. At least with your kids back in the classroom, they won’t be tracking mud through your hallways, and they won’t be strewing their toys all over the house. On the other hand, school brings a lot of organizational challenges […]
Summer Organization Tips for Busy Parents
Summer is a time of the year that most of us look forward to. Trips, time spent by the poolside, lemonade, and outdoor activities are all things we have to anticipate. Best of all is being able to spend time together as a family. But summer can carry a slight note of dread if you’re […]
Summer Cleaning and Organizing Checklist
It’s midsummer, and depending on where you live, it may be one of the best times of the year to get some serious cleaning and organizing done. In some locations, it may be too hot to work outdoors, but in other areas, it may be just perfect. If you have older children home from school, […]
Summer Challenge: Clean Out Your Closet
Did you finish all your spring cleaning projects for the year? Congratulations if you can respond to that question with a resounding “Yes!” If not, try not to get too stressed out about it. You aren’t the only one. The truth is, most of us struggle to complete our organizational tasks. And odds are you […]
Get Ready to Go Camping with Plastic Bins
We’re getting right into the perfect time of year to go camping. It’s starting to warm up during the daytime and at night, but it still isn’t blazing hot yet in many places. Of course, if you have kids, waiting for summer might be just the thing to do. Either way, this is the time […]
Get Ready for Beach Time with Clear Plastic Bins
It’s hard to believe how quickly summer is coming up! In just a couple of months, the air and the water will be warm and inviting, and if you happen to live on the coast, it will be time to head to the beach. Do you dread juggling all your beach supplies every year? Did […]
What Type of Shelving Do You Need?
If you operate a retail store or you have a stockroom you need to organize, shelving systems are something you are going to need. It is important to take some time to think about your needs before you purchase shelves for retail or any other setting. Different types of shelving have advantages and disadvantages. Here […]
What Types of Crafts Can You Organize with Plastic Bins?
For artistically minded customers, we have a large selection of plastic bin storage systems designed specifically to help with craft organization. Our craft organization systems are incredibly versatile and include individual bins, dividable tip out bins, and even floor stands and craft carts on wheels with drawers. With something for every need, these storage units […]
De-cluttering Your House: How to Donate to Charity
One of the first steps you have to take when cleaning out any room in your house is de-cluttering. De-cluttering is necessary before you organize your home because it helps to free up space and also tells you which items you need to actually organize and which ones you need to get rid of. That […]
Organize Your Attic
One area of your home which you probably do not look at too often is the attic. Most people use their attics the same way they would use storage units. Your attic is likely full of objects you stowed away long ago which rarely see the light of day. You may not even know what’s […]
Save Money with Steel Shelving with Plastic Bins
If you need to organize supplies in a stock room, one of the best options out there is to use a combination of steel shelves and plastic bins. These two supplies are incredibly versatile, and are ideal whether you are storing office supplies, hardware, and accessories, or any number of other parts or implements. In […]