News Category

Monday 13 October, 2014

Classroom Organization Tips

Even though teachers are summoned back to school a couple weeks before students, odds are you are still scrambling to get everything in order in your classroom. It is always a tough transition back to school, even though it is an exciting time. Students are transitioning too, which can increase the chaos in the classroom […]

Monday 06 October, 2014

Organizing Children’s Keepsakes

Each year with your child is one that will never come again, and how they blaze by! Your child will never be one again, will never be five again, will never be 10 again. Holding onto keepsakes makes us feel as if we can cling to the most precious days of those years as they […]

Monday 29 September, 2014

Tips for Organizing School Papers and Student Artwork

The new school year is beginning, and that means volumes of paperwork! Every day, your child will start new assignments and bring home completed ones. School papers can include essays, term papers, math assignments, art projects, and much more. Other papers may include evaluations and awards from teachers and other faculty members. All of that […]

Monday 22 September, 2014

Homework Station Supplies

Are you setting up a homework station to help your young scholar succeed with school projects? While you are deciding on homework station organization ideas, you will also need to purchase homework station supplies. Let’s break it down so you get everything you need for your son or daughter! • Furniture. When you are setting […]

Monday 15 September, 2014

Does Your Child Have a Homework Station?

Back to school is a time filled with excitement but also with a fair share of headaches. Do you have to constantly remind your children to get their homework done? Did you know one of the easiest ways to help your children do their homework every day is to provide an environment which naturally encourages […]

Monday 08 September, 2014

Get Your Storage Areas Organized

Where do you store things in your house that you are not using during most of the year? Do you keep everything extra in an attic or in a basement, maybe in a closet or even a storage room? Are some things haphazardly stowed away in the backs of drawers, cabinets, and closets which have […]

Monday 01 September, 2014

Help Organize Your Child’s Room

What are the two things you have to tell your kid the most? Probably “Eat your greens” and “Clean your room.” Children’s rooms tend to get messy because kids have so many toys, and each day, they create a brand new mess which then has to be cleaned up. Taking things out is always much […]

Monday 25 August, 2014

Save Time Cooking by Freezing Food

Whether you cook only for yourself or you cook for an entire family, you know how time consuming it can be to prepare your own food. Look inside your freezer. How much space do you have in there, and how much are you utilizing? Do you store only frozen food boxes in there that you […]

Monday 18 August, 2014

Will Plastic Bins Solve Your Clutter Woes?

When you walk into container stores or shop online, you will notice that plastic bins are a very popular item. Often you’ll see them posted with slogans that they can end all your clutter woes and result in an organized, clean home. Tempted by these slogans, you may feel an impulse to add three or […]

Monday 11 August, 2014

Keeping Collections Organized

Are you a collector? If so, you are probably used to being told that you are a packrat. There is a tendency for collections to be viewed as clutter, and many people find them frustrating—especially household members who do not collect. Collecting can be a real joy, though. You can collect anything under the sun, […]

Monday 04 August, 2014

Organize Your Record Collection

Do you have a collection of vinyl records, and maybe CDs as well? These days when we talk about music organization, we are often talking about storing music virtually. But for those who still have hard media, it is important to come up with an organizational solution that will provide adequate protection against the elements. […]

Monday 28 July, 2014

Organizing Your Pool Stuff

While it may still be a little too chilly to make good use of your outdoor pool, if you have one, this is a perfect time to get your pool stuff in order. That way it will all be ready to go for summer. You may not have a lot of pool stuff, or you […]

Monday 21 July, 2014

Organize Your Shed

It’s summer time and the weather is warm in many places. That not only makes this the perfect time of year for cleaning house, but also for tackling outdoor storage and organization tasks you may have been putting off over the winter. It’s time to get out and organize your garage, and also take some […]

Monday 14 July, 2014

Organizing Your Papers

One thing that is always tough to keep organized is papers. Odds are you have a lot of different papers in your home. Some may be personal, while others may be work or business related. Still others may include tax documents and bills. Organizing your important papers is a challenge, but not an insurmountable one […]

Monday 07 July, 2014

Save Money with Steel Shelving with Plastic Bins

If you need to organize supplies in a stock room, one of the best options out there is to use a combination of steel shelves and plastic bins. These two supplies are incredibly versatile, and are ideal whether you are storing office supplies, hardware, and accessories, or any number of other parts or implements. In […]