News Category
Why Declutter and Organize When You Are Stressed? Part 1
Before I got into decluttering and organizing, I remember I had a roommate whose moods you could read just by observing what she did to busy herself around our apartment. Anytime I came home and found her knee-deep in decluttering or organizing, I knew she was having a bad day, and that I should either […]
What Really Happens to the Stuff You Send to Thrift?
I always strongly urge that when you are decluttering your home, you take your unwanted items to the thrift store rather than simply throwing them in the trash. I still advise this, because it is important not to be part of the problem of needless waste. But as it turns out, many thrift stores are […]
Signs That You Are a Hoarder
“Am I a hoarder or just messy?” “Am I a hoarder or just lazy?” If you are asking yourself these types of questions, you may be genuinely worried that you have a psychological disorder. It is important to recognize that a disorder such as hoarding exists along a spectrum. Most people have some degree of […]
How Do You Know When Clutter Has Gone Too Far? Part 2
Where is the line drawn for clutter vs. collecting vs. hoarding? It can be a challenge to identify, but there are few ways to know if your clutter or collecting has progressed to the stage where you could consider it to be hoarding. In Part 1, I shared these examples: 1. Your clutter is costing […]
How Plastic Bins Can Save You Money While Moving
Thinking of looking for moving totes for sale instead of going with regular cardboard boxes? It is a decision which could pay off in more ways than one. The best plastic containers for moving offer you unparalleled convenience and versatility—and they could actually save you money. This may come as a surprise considering that you […]
When Minimalism Isn’t an Option, Part 2
The benefits of minimalism make it an appealing choice for organizing and lifestyle, but for many people, it is not a practical option. In When Minimalism Isn’t an Option, Part 1, I explained three reasons why minimalism may not work if you live on a tight budget: 1. You may not be able to afford […]
When Minimalism Isn’t an Option, Part 1
These days, you probably read a lot about the benefits of minimalism. Minimalism has become a major trend in architecture, interior design, organizing and lifestyle. It is true that minimalism has a number of advantages, and for some people, it is a great fit. But it does have its limitations. In this article, I would […]
Tips for Keeping Collections From Turning Into Clutter or Hoarding, Part 2
Worried that your collections might be turning into hoarding or clutter? Looking for a way to stop it from happening? When it comes to figuring out whether something is hoarding or collecting, the difference between the two comes down to a combination of mindset and habits. In my blog, check out the post Clutter vs. […]
Tips for Keeping Collections From Turning Into Clutter or Hoarding, Part 1
Are you a collector? Is your collection starting to grow out of control? If lately you have been struggling to find an empty surface anywhere in your home, you may be wondering about the differences between clutter vs. collecting vs. hoarding. More importantly, you probably are asking yourself how to organize collections in your home […]
Clutter vs. Collecting vs. Hoarding
Have a lot of stuff piled around you, and wondering, “Am I a hoarder?” Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t—perhaps you just have a lot of clutter, and lately it’s been getting out of control. Then again, you might point out that lots of people are collectors—and this doesn’t make them “hoarders.” Perhaps you are […]
How to Declutter to Move Into a Tiny House, Part 2
If you will be downsizing into a tiny house, you will need to figure out the best way to declutter before moving. In How to Declutter to Move Into a Tiny House, Part 1, I offered the following recommendations to get started. 1. Find a way to visualize your space. 2. Take actual measurements. 3. […]
How to Declutter to Move Into a Tiny House, Part 1
If you’re thinking about downsizing into a tiny house, you may have quite a bit of work ahead of you in terms of decluttering, particularly if you live in a large house now. For some people, decluttering is easy, but for many, it can be challenging in both the logistical and emotional sense. If you […]
Tiny House Living Pros and Cons, Part 2: Pros
Want to live in a tiny house, but wondering whether it is the right choice for you? In Part 1 of our set of articles on tiny house pros and cons, we went over some of the drawbacks of tiny house living. Now let’s talk about some exciting tiny house living benefits you can look […]
Tiny House Living Pros and Cons, Part 1: Cons
Tiny house living has really taken off over the past few years. More and more people are downsizing to homes measuring 500 square feet or less (often closer to 200-300 square feet). While this choice is more common among singles and couples, sometimes people even move their children into tiny houses with them. What is […]
Fall Chore Checklist
With winter coming up fast, this is the time to get out in your yard and take care of some fall yard care. Need some help planning your fall yard chores? Following is a fall yard care checklist you can use to make sure you don’t neglect any important tasks. • Trim back your perennials […]