Monday 27 January, 2025

General Tips for Decluttering and Organizing Part 1

Looking for tips for decluttering your home? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you want to organize your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hall closets, mudroom, or another area of your house, you will not get very far if you do not tackle it with the right approach and mindset. These tips for organizing your home […]

Looking for tips for decluttering your home? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you want to organize your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hall closets, mudroom, or another area of your house, you will not get very far if you do not tackle it with the right approach and mindset. These tips for organizing your home will help you to make the most of the time you spend clearing out and getting organized.

• Give yourself 5-15 minutes a day. You don’t necessarily have to do this every day of the week, but try to commit to doing it at least several days out of the week. There are a lot of resources on how to get organized in 15 minutes; 5-15 minutes is not too intimidating, and there are a lot of little tasks you can get done in that length of time.

• Break big tasks down into smaller ones. Don’t try to organize your whole closet in one afternoon or your entire pantry. Try decluttering just your shoes or just your spice rack. This will keep you focused and help you to accomplish the whole task over time.

• Get a trash bag and fill it. This is a simple, easy way to declutter. Simply start putting items in the bag and see how quickly you can fill it. Once you have, go through those items and figure out which ones can be donated and which need to be recycled.

• Figure out what you do and do not wear. An easy way to do this is to take all your clothes out of your closet and put them back with the hangars reversed. As you wear your clothes, put them back in with the hangars facing the proper way. At the end of the year, see if there are any clothing hangars still reversed. Those are clothes you can donate since you clearly don’t wear them.

• If you still are not sure, ask yourself whether you would buy a given item now if you saw it at the store, and if so, how much you would be willing to pay for it. This is a great gauge of whether you really need it or not. If you would not put a high price on it, it is probably something you should donate.

• Schedule and organize your time. Before you jump into decluttering and organizing your home, it makes sense to have an organization schedule. Get a binder when you head to the store to pick up other organization supplies for home, and use it to come up with a weekly and monthly schedule. That way when you go to do your 15 minutes a day, you will know exactly what you should be doing, and not waste time fretting about it.

Following these simple decluttering and organization tips will help you to get your house in order faster than you think. Be sure to read Part 2 for even more great decluttering tips!

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