Why Decorate Plastic Storage Totes?
Maybe you have recently purchased a set of clear plastic storage totes for your home. If so, you’ve made a great decision. You have invested in some of the most versatile and cost-effective storage containers in existence. Still, you have to admit that they are not that high on aesthetic value. Plastic containers for clothes, […]
How to Decorate Plastic Bins with Decoupage, Part 2
Are you looking for a unique technique you can use to decorate plastic storage bins? If so, then you will want to consider decoupage. Decoupage is the art of covering pretty much any surface that you can think of using scraps of paper (such as origami paper, wallpaper, or magazine cutouts). This is an awesome […]
How to Decorate Plastic Bins with Decoupage, Part 1
If you have recently purchased a set of plastic bins or drawers for your home, you may be wondering, “How can I decorate a plastic storage box?” Clear plastic storage bins offer many advantages; they are versatile, lightweight, and budget-friendly. But they are not always the most elegant addition to your home decor. For that […]
Questions to Ask Before Shopping For Your Dorm Room, Part 1
Getting together your college dorm supplies list? There really is no “one size fits all” approach to shopping for a dorm room—although you may think that there is, given how many lists you will find online (your school will likely give you one as well during orientation or in the mail). In truth, one of […]
Tips for Organizing Your Dorm Room Desk
When it comes to dorm room organization, what you will probably spend the most time is trying to figure out how to organize your dorm room desk. This is only natural—you will spending a great deal of your time there, and the better organized it is, the higher your grades will probably be and the […]
4 Reasons to Use Plastic Storage Bins in Your Dorm
While shopping for dorm room supplies, you probably will consider picking up some plastic storage containers for school. But you may be wondering why they are so ubiquitous at container stores this time of year. Why are they an especially good fit for college students? Here are just a few reasons. 1. You can customize […]
8 Surprising Dorm Room Organization Hacks, Part 2
So you need to organize your dorm room. Organizing a small space on a budget isn’t easy, but it is doable. In Part 1 of this set, I provided you with the following dorm room organization tips: 1. Make use of divided plastic storage containers. 2. Use soda can tabs to expand wardrobe storage. 3. […]
8 Surprising Dorm Room Organization Hacks, Part 1
If you are moving into your freshman dorm—or have just finished unpacking (or trying to)—you probably are astounded by just how little space you have to work with. When it comes to dorm room storage hacks, the focus is all on keeping everything as tidy and compact as possible. Let’s take a look at a […]
7 Dorm Room Organization Mistakes, Part 2
Organizing a small dorm room isn’t easy—but one thing you can do to make it a lot easier is to avoid making common organizing mistakes. In Part 1 of this set, I told you about 4 organizing errors commonly made by incoming freshmen: 1. Packing your plastic organizing bins full without thinking about weight distribution. […]
7 Dorm Room Organization Mistakes, Part 1
Looking for dorm room organization ideas? Well, one good starting point is actually to think about what not to do. Why? Because when you avoid making mistakes in organizing your small space, you actually end up saving a lot of space—and that makes the rest of the job easier. So let’s take a look at […]
Organizing Your Backpacking Gear with Plastic Storage Boxes
When you first start getting into camping and backpacking, you may not have a lot of gear. A lot of people start out by borrowing gear from family or friends who go camping more often. But as time goes by, you may find yourself accumulating more and more backpacking gear. Before you know it, you […]
4 Ways to Use Plastic Bins to Organize Pet Supplies
Whether you are a long-time pet owner or you just brought home your very first furry friend from the shelter, one thing you will need to figure out eventually is how to store pet supplies. Many first-time pet owners are at a complete loss for how to do this, and even veteran pet owners may […]
Advantages of Stackable Pet Food Bins
Trying to figure out a better way to store your pet food? Right now, maybe you just keep it inside the original bags. Or maybe you have some kind of plastic, glass or metal dog food storage solutions. Regardless, if you haven’t already, you may want to consider stackable pet food storage bins. What are […]
Two More Useful Hacks for Organizing Socks
In a recent article, I talked about how to organize socks and tights using several different methods: • PVC pipes • Plastic bins with dividers • Folding socks instead of rolling them While all of these can help you to organize your sock drawer and keep everything neat and tidy, socks really are an ongoing […]
Why Use Plastic Bins to Store Children’s Toys?
What is your current storage solution for your kids’ toys? First of all, hopefully you have one—if you do not, it would be a miracle if your kids can figure out a way to stay organized on their own. Assuming you do have one though, there are probably some ways it could be improved. One […]
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