Monday 15 March, 2021

What Do You Need to Organize in Your Pharmacy?

While organizing is critical in any line of work, it is particularly essential in the pharmaceutical world. With numerous patients to serve, you have quite a few supplies, medications, and documents you need to keep in order. Not only is this necessary in order to keep your business functioning smoothly, but it also is a […]

Monday 08 March, 2021

Best Practices for Organizing Your Pharmacy

If you are in the pharmaceutical industry, you are aware that your work involves a great need for organization and streamlining. A pharmacy which is not well organized is a stressful work environment prone to mistakes and delays, both of which reflect badly upon the business. Following are some tips to help you get organized […]

Monday 01 March, 2021

Why Use Plastic Bins in Your Pharmacy?

If you are in charge of organizing a pharmacy, you know that it is a complex job which requires that numerous medications and records be sorted using a logical and accessible system. There are a lot of options for how you can choose to store and organize medications. One option is to go with plastic […]

Monday 22 February, 2021

Organize Your Makeup the Easy and Affordable Way

Recently, I shared tips and tricks to declutter your makeup collection in How to Declutter Your Makeup, Parts 1 and 2. Once you have your collection culled down to what you really want to keep, what can you do to organize your makeup collection? There are a lot of different possibilities here. Many people are […]

Monday 15 February, 2021

How to Declutter Your Makeup, Part 2

Makeup clutter is something which builds up steadily in the background of your life, without you even noticing it—until one day you realize that you have absolutely no free space on the top of your dresser or your bathroom counter, and that you cannot locate that one shade of eye shadow you are desperately seeking. […]

Monday 08 February, 2021

How to Declutter Your Makeup, Part 1

It is easy to pile up more makeup than you know what to do with. You don’t notice it happening at first—it’s a sneaky process. You start out with a few colors of eye shadow and a few tubes of lip gloss, and then you see another shade you like, and you buy it, thinking, […]

Monday 01 February, 2021

What Mindset Do You Need to Declutter and Organize?

Why is it so hard to declutter? That is a question you may ask yourself a lot if you are struggling to put a dent in the mess overwhelming your own home. Quite often, it isn’t that we cannot find the time, or do not have a solution for what to do with clutter. We […]

Monday 25 January, 2021

What To Do After You Finish Decluttering

You heave a sigh of relief. You finally have finished decluttering your home! The project has taken you months to complete, and it seemed at one point like you would never get there. But you have finally achieved your goal! Looking around at your clean drawers, empty corners, and free closet space, you feel a […]

Monday 18 January, 2021

Why Does Decluttering Feel So Rewarding?

You already know that decluttering frees up space in your home or office, but did you ever wonder why decluttering feels good? There is often an immediate feeling of relief and release when you finish a big decluttering task. In fact, some people like to clean, declutter and organize when they are feeling anxious for […]

Monday 11 January, 2021

4 Lessons You’ll Learn From Decluttering

If you are thinking about decluttering your home and life, it can be tough to get motivated and stay committed long enough to complete the task. But doing so is well worth it, not just for the goal of tidiness, but also for the intangible benefits you’ll pick up along the way. What kinds of […]

Monday 04 January, 2021

How to Clean Plastic Containers with Baking Soda

Whether you are trying to figure out how to remove odors from plastic storage containers or how to clean plastic containers naturally, you may have heard of cleaning plastic bins using baking soda. This is a technique that works wonders on plastic food storage containers, but it can also be used to clean other storage […]

Monday 28 December, 2020

Natural Ways to Remove Odors from Plastic Bins

If you use plastic food storage containers in your fridge or freezer, you know that they not only love to accumulate stains, but also odors. You probably also have discovered by now that it is incredibly difficult to get rid of these odors. If you do not like using harsh chemicals in your kitchen (and […]

Monday 21 December, 2020

Natural Ways to Remove Stains from Plastic Bins

Clear plastic storage containers are incredibly useful around the house, but they are also notoriously hard to get clean after they get stained. This can be particularly problematic with plastic food storage containers. Even so, you may not want to resort to harsh chemicals to get rid of stains. If so, you may be wondering […]

Monday 14 December, 2020

Clean Out Your Fridge and Freezer for the Holidays

If you have been thinking about cleaning out your fridge and freezer but have been putting it off and putting it off, this may just be the perfect time of year to go for it and actually get it done. Just the thought of decluttering your fridge and freezer may seem overwhelming, but think about […]

Monday 07 December, 2020

Get Your Holiday Wardrobe Organized

We have all had that moment … you and your family have been invited to a fancy Christmas ball by a boss or relative, and you absolutely must be there. You are all dressed and ready to go, and so is your spouse, but your kids are a problem. One of them is missing his […]