Monday 04 May, 2020

Pros and Cons of Plastic Totes for Moving

Whether you are packing up your stuff for a storage unit or a move across country, you may be wondering what type of storage supplies for moving you should use. Should you get a bunch of cheap cardboard boxes, or should you stock up on plastic boxes for moving house? Well, let’s consider the pros […]

Monday 27 April, 2020

This Might Be the Easiest Way to Decorate Plastic Bins

Looking for ideas for decorating plastic storage bins, but don’t want to do anything too elaborate or time-consuming? If you want to try a project which involves the most basic supplies and which does not take long at all, one of the best options for how to decorate plastic storage drawers and tubs is to […]

Monday 20 April, 2020

Ideas for Rewarding Yourself for Organizing

If your difficulty isn’t finding home organizing tips and ideas but putting your plans into action and actually getting organized around the house, you’re far from alone. A lot of people struggle with follow-through. There are a lot of reasons why follow-through is so hard, but one primary reason is simply that we are motivated […]

Monday 13 April, 2020

What is Akrasia?

For many people, the greatest challenge of getting organized is not finding home organizing ideas or choosing an organizing system. The greatest difficulty is simply following through on the decision to get organized. While researching this topic to write Tips for Following Through on Organizing Goals, Parts 1 and 2, I came across a concept […]

Monday 06 April, 2020

Tips for Following Through on Organizing Goals, Part 2

Do you have an easy time setting organizing goals, but a hard time following through on them? For a lot of people, making plans for getting organized at home or work isn’t the problem; it is turning those organizing dreams into realities which poses the challenge. In Part 1, I shared the following tips for […]

Monday 30 March, 2020

Tips for Following Through on Organizing Goals, Part 1

What for you is the hardest thing about getting organized? For some people, the challenge is coming up with a plan. For others, it is staying organized once things are where they belong. But for others still, the hardest part of organizing the home or workplace is following through on plans and goals. Indeed, one […]

Monday 23 March, 2020

What to Do With Warped or Broken Plastic Food Containers

If you invest in high-quality plastic containers for food, they should hold up very well to repeated use, especially if you do not put them in the microwave. But over time, even high-quality bins can sometimes become deformed or even end up cracking. Obviously if you cannot seal your plastic bins, you cannot use them […]

Monday 16 March, 2020

What to Look for When Buying Plastic Food Containers

Shopping for plastic food containers for your fridge? If you are going to buy plastic food storage containers, it is important to recognize that not all plastic bins are equal to the task of storing your food safely and keeping it fresh. So what is important to look for when you are going to buy […]

Monday 09 March, 2020

How to Clean Food Containers with Mold

Scrubbing grease and old caked-on food out of plastic food containers can be tough, but molded food containers pose a unique challenge. You definitely need to make sure you get mold out of plastic food containers completely so that they remain safe to use. Plus, you need to get rid of the moldy odor so […]

Monday 02 March, 2020

7 Reasons to Thrift Instead of Throw Away, Part 2

Are you working on decluttering your house fast? If so, you may be in a rush to get rid of all the items you no longer want or need. Your first thought is probably to take them to the dumpster. But before you do that, you should strongly consider taking them to the thrift store. […]

Monday 24 February, 2020

7 Reasons to Thrift Instead of Throw Away, Part 1

Whenever I go to drop something off at the residential dumpster where I live, I am mortified at what I find inside. I have discovered everything from handmade afghans to adorable children’s toys to usable appliances in working condition. Why do these items end up in the dumpster when they could be in a thrift […]

Monday 17 February, 2020

What is the 12-12-12 Challenge?

In search of ideas for decluttering your home? One you may stumble across is the 12-12-12 Challenge. What is the 12-12-12 Challenge, and how can it help you accomplish your decluttering and organizing goals? Let’s check it out. The 12-12-12 Challenge involves doing the following: • Throw away 12 items in your household. • Find […]

Monday 10 February, 2020

Declutter Just One Thing

Can’t figure out how to get started decluttering your house? There are dozens of quick and easy decluttering ideas you can try, but I am going to share one with you from my own experience, and that is to just declutter one item. I’ll be honest. I love decluttering and organizing, but I am also […]

Monday 03 February, 2020

How to Label Plastic Bins, Part 2

Before you go out to buy plastic storage tubs for your home, you will need to do some thinking about how many bins you need, what you plan to put in them, and how you will label and organize them so you can find everything later. In Part 1, I focused on suggestions for the […]

Monday 27 January, 2020

How to Label Plastic Bins, Part 1

You have purchased a bunch of plastic storage totes, and you are now setting about coming up with a system for using them. You do not want to simply shove all your stuff inside the boxes and put them up. If you do that, you will quickly lose track of what is located where. So […]