Monday 24 June, 2019

Ideas for Creating a Beach Window Display

Trying to come up with cool ideas for summer retail displays? One classic idea which will never go out of style is the beach window display. Time spent at the beach or the swimming pool is an almost universal association with summer. It doesn’t matter where you live. If your store is located near the […]

Monday 17 June, 2019

How to Create Excitement with Your Retail Store Windows

Shopping for retail window display supplies? This is the perfect time to think about boutique window display ideas. A lot of stores take a relaxed approach to their clothing window displays. They simply switch the clothing on the mannequins or move them around a bit. They might add or subtract a shelf or hang some […]

Monday 10 June, 2019

Summer Retail Display Theme Ideas, Part 2

Trying to figure out how to draw crowds into your retail store this summer? It all starts with a few great summer retail window display ideas. If you can come up with creative store windows for summer, you can generate buzz, curiosity, and excitement around your shop. This creates pedestrian congestion and ultimately leads to […]

Monday 03 June, 2019

Summer Retail Display Theme Ideas, Part 1

If you are in charge of maintaining your retail store window displays, you know how much of a challenge it can be to come up with new ideas throughout the year. Decorating a retail store isn’t just about beautification—it is also about sales. The best summer window displays won’t just entice the eye, they will […]

Monday 27 May, 2019

What to Know Before Shopping for Plastic Bins, Part 2

Thinking of heading to the store to shop for plastic storage totes? If so, you should hit pause on that for a moment. Do you actually know what you need, or are you simply hoping that “some bins” will magically cover your needs? It is easy to think of storage units to buy as a […]

Monday 20 May, 2019

What to Know Before Shopping for Plastic Bins, Part 1

If you are going to be purchasing plastic storage bins for your home or business, it pays to do a bit of thinking first. If you just run to the store and purchase what you think you need, you will probably buy more plastic bins for storage than you actually need—in which case, they will […]

Monday 13 May, 2019

Types of Dump Bins

It’s springtime, which is the perfect time of the year to run retail clearance sales. This is a time when customers are clearing out room in their homes for new merchandise. While there are many ways to display clearance items on retail merchandising display racks, one of the most useful types of display fixtures is […]

Monday 06 May, 2019

Creative Ideas for Clearance Sales, Part 3

In this series, I have been exploring different ideas for running creative clearance sales. Springtime is the perfect time of year to do this since customers are clearing out stuff at home they don’t need and making room for new purchases. Some ideas I have shared in Parts 1 and 2 include rearranging your merchandise […]

Monday 29 April, 2019

Creative Ideas for Clearance Sales, Part 2

Springtime is the perfect time to run a clearance sale in your store. This is a time when people are making room in their lives and their homes for new merchandise, so it is a great time to make room in your store by putting your backstock up for sale at a hefty discount. But […]

Monday 22 April, 2019

Creative Ideas for Clearance Sales, Part 1

In recent articles I have focused on getting your retail shop ready for spring. This is an excellent time to run clearance sales because your customers are clearing stuff out of their homes. That means they are making space for new stuff and hunting for great deals. So you too can run your version of […]

Monday 15 April, 2019

How to Stay Organized

Getting organized at home can be a daunting challenge. But for a lot of people, it is even harder to know how to stay organized. You can put months of effort into getting your house in order only to have it all fall apart again a few months later as you fall back on old […]

Monday 08 April, 2019

A Simple System For Decluttering and Organizing Incoming Items

One of the top reasons for clutter is that many people lack a systematic method of sorting new items that arrive in their lives. They receive gifts over the holidays or purchase items at a bargain at the store and do not have a plan for what to do with them next. So they end […]

Monday 01 April, 2019

Why Do You Have So Much Clutter? Part 2

How much clutter do you have in your home right now? If it is more than you would like, you might be curious what the top reasons for clutter are. In Part 1, I talked about some of the practical reasons why clutter accumulates: 1. You have more stuff than you know what to do […]

Monday 25 March, 2019

Why Do You Have So Much Clutter? Part 1

Ever wonder why we clutter? If you live surrounded by a mess of odds and ends you do not actually use, discovering what the underlying reasons for clutter really are could help you to break the cycle. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons for clutter, starting with practical issues. 1. You […]

Monday 18 March, 2019

How to Organize Kids’ School Papers

Heading into summer, your child is probably going to bring a lot of papers and projects home—and likely you have been accumulating a pile of schoolwork and keepsakes over the course of the year. Trying to figure out how to store children’s school papers? This is definitely the time to do it. If you don’t […]