How to Clean Plastic Containers with Salt
When it comes to finding a way to effectively clean stained plastic ware, it can be surprisingly difficult to really get things spick and span. Thankfully there are a number of different methods you can use. There is of course the option of bleach, but if you want to avoid such a harsh approach, you […]
How to Clean Plastic Containers with Denture Tablets
Trying to figure out how to remove grease from plastic containers, but not having any luck? While plastic food containers are fabulous for sealing and storing your leftovers in the freezer for weeks, you will find that they are tough to clean because of their porous nature. Plastic absorbs substances which come into contact with […]
How to Clean Plastic Containers with Vinegar
Trying to figure out how you can clean your plastic food containers effectively? It can be quite a challenge to get rid of stubborn grease or remove tomato stains from plastic. You can actually get most of these stains out using regular dish soap, but many people prefer to use a method which is completely […]
How to Clean Plastic Containers with Lemon Juice
You’ve just finished off that leftover Italian food you had in your frozen food containers, and of course the tomato has left behind stubborn, unsightly stains. Why does tomato sauce stain plastic, and how can you get stains like these out of your plastic food containers so you can restore them to their original appearance? […]
How to Clean Plastic Containers with Rubbing Alcohol
Trying to figure out how to clean plastic containers naturally? There are a lot of different methods you can use to remove grease, stains, and odors from your plastic food containers. Standard dish soap works quite well, but you can also try vinegar, lemon juice, salt, or rubbing alcohol. Today I want to talk about […]
How to Clean Greasy Plastic Containers
Plastic food containers have a lot going for them. They are versatile, lightweight, easy to store, and can be repurposed elsewhere in the house if they get damaged over time. Properly cared for, they can last for years. But they have their drawbacks too, one of the biggest ones being that they are incredibly hard […]
Are Plastic Food Containers Reusable?
I have noticed recently a lot of people asking, “Are plastic food containers safe to reuse?” Considering how many people are clueless over whether they can re-use their plastic food containers or whether they need to buy new ones every time, it seems well worth it to take a few moments to address the matter. […]
8 Ways Organizing Can Help You Renew Yourself in 2019, Part 2
If you are planning your New Year’s resolutions for 2019, you might want to add some home organization goals to the list. Why? Because getting organized may actually help you to achieve everything on your list. In 8 Ways Organizing Can Help You Renew Yourself in 2019, Part 1, I talked about 4 ways in […]
8 Ways Organizing Can Help You Renew Yourself in 2019, Part 1
Working on your New Year’s resolutions list for 2019? Recently I have already shared a few New Year’s resolutions for organizing, so I am not going to be focusing on that in this article. What I do want to focus on is how getting organized can actually help you to meet all your New Year’s […]
8 Hidden Clutter Areas in Your Home to Organize in 2019, Part 2
Looking for ideas for decluttering and organizing your home in 2019? A great place to start is with “hidden” clutter zones which are easily forgotten and neglected throughout the year. In Part 1, I talked about the following hidden clutter areas: 1. The Mudroom 2. Kids’ Schoolwork 3. Small Under-the-Sink Storage Zones 4. The Pantry […]
8 Hidden Clutter Areas in Your Home to Organize in 2019, Part 1
It is now 2019, which means it is time to get organized for the new year. This is right around when people love to make big New Year’s resolutions, but seldom follow through on them. And that is understandable—getting organized is always a big chore! That is why I came up with this list of […]
6 Plastic Bin Resolutions for 2019
Happy 2019! What are your New Year’s resolutions for organizing this year? Do you plan to tidy up the den or the garage, re-organize the kitchen, or finally take care of that clutter in your bedroom closet? Whatever your plans, one thing you should consider doing is taking a close look at how you are […]
Holiday Season Organizing Checklist
The holiday season is already in full swing, but it’s never too late to get organized. Doing so now will make your job a lot easier when it comes to clean-up time after the turn of the new year. Here are some organizational tasks to consider tackling before the year’s end. • Organize your kitchen. […]
Set Up a Station to Wrap and Mail Holiday Gifts
Black Friday has come and gone, and chances are good you now have a growing pile of disorganized presents somewhere in your house—or worse, strewn haphazardly all around. Before that mess gets out of control, you should rein it in by setting up a station for wrapping and mailing your holiday gifts. It is time […]
What Can You Do About Toy Clutter?
The holidays are traditionally a time for generous gift-giving, especially where your children are concerned. But as you start piling up their presents under the tree, you may start to wonder, “What am I going to do with all of the toys that are in their rooms now? Where will we put all the new […]
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