Fit Plastic Bins Into Rustic Décor
The other day I ran across a project for a DIY media center which involved a simple rustic console table and some baskets for DVDs and the like. I really liked the project, but I wasn’t a big fan of the baskets. Why? I know from experience that baskets are not particularly durable, and like […]
Organize Your Sock Drawer
Trying to organize socks and underwear in your closet can be quite a challenge! In fact, it can be one of the most difficult chores involved with sorting out the closet, and that is despite the fact that it only encompasses a small area in terms of actual space. Socks, like underwear, are notoriously hard […]
Organize Your Underwear Drawer
Struggling to organize your closet? One of the most tedious and difficult tasks is finding a way to organize your undergarments. It is way too easy for underwear to come unfolded, and when it does, it just loves to get all tangled together. So how can you effectively organize your underwear drawer in such a […]
Closet Organizing Hacks, Part 2
Trying to figure out how to organize a small closet with lots of clothes? It is no easy task, and you will need some clever closet organizing ideas to do it. In Part 1, I shared the following ideas with you: • Repurpose hangers to save space (for example, consider using a tie hanger for […]
Closet Organizing Hacks, Part 1
You’ve just come back from the shopping mall with bags loaded down with clothes and shoes. You’re super stoked about everything you just bought, but then you open your closet and your face falls. Where are you going to put all this stuff? The floor of your closet is cluttered with shoes, boots, and random […]
Come Up With a Seasonal Storage System, Part 2
In Part 1 of this series, I talked about why it isn’t a good idea to store your seasonal items pell mell by just throwing them in the attic or the closet—and why leaving them out all year is an even worse idea because they just get in your way. Now I want to talk […]
Come Up With a Seasonal Storage System, Part 1
Chances are good that there are a lot of items that you only use part of the year—sometimes only for a month or two, depending on where you live and what kinds of holidays you celebrate. If you live in a snowy climate, or even just a place that sometimes gets really cold over the […]
Quick Spring Decluttering Checklist for 2017
Are you busy creating your spring cleaning checklist for 2017? If not, you had better get to it! Springtime will be here before you know it, and if you want to keep those New Year’s organizing resolutions, it will need to start now with a plan. One of the best spring cleaning tips I can […]
Quick Spring Cleaning Checklist for 2017
We’re still in the midst of winter, so you can relax a little while longer before you pull out those mops and dusters, but soon enough it will be spring, and that means it will be time to clean, declutter, and organize. Many years, we take a casual approach to spring cleaning. We wipe down […]
Create an Organizing Calendar for 2017
What were your New Year’s resolutions this year? Did a few of them involve getting organized around the home? If so, what have you actually done so far to tackle those resolutions? Don’t be too ashamed if your answer is, “Not a whole lot.” A lot of people make big plans in January, only to […]
No More Excuses Not to Get Organized
If you are not a particularly organized person, you are not alone. Most of us are a lot less organized than we wish we were. It isn’t that we don’t understand the importance of being more organized. We do. We know that it will help us become more efficient, that it will make our homes […]
Planning Your Organized Christmas for 2016
What was your Christmas planning like last year? For a lot of households, the answer can probably be summed up in a single word, and that is “chaos.” Many of us wait until October or November or even December to start setting up for the holidays. This is pretty crazy when you consider the amount […]
Winter Gear Organizing Tips, Part 2
Winter weather can be a lot of fun when you are skiing or sledding or building a snowman with your kids, but it isn’t much fun when it gets tracked into the house. Thankfully most of the mess stops at the mudroom, but it isn’t fun cleaning up the mudroom either. That’s why it’s important […]
Winter Gear Organizing Tips, Part 1
There is a lot about winter that is fun, even after the holidays are over. You can play in the snow with your kids or go skiing or snowboarding. There is something about the crisp, cold winter air that can be downright invigorating. But one thing which is not invigorating is having to clean up […]
Convert a Plastic Storage Bin into a Toy Box
‘Tis the season for holiday gifting, and if you have kids, that means a lot of new toys around the house! What are you going to do with all of those toys? If your child’s toy box is full, odds are you’re thinking of a few different ideas: • Encouraging your child to part with […]
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