How to Photograph Jewelry with Display Stands – Part 1
Are you a jeweler who sells your work online? Many people think that jewelry display stands are only for jewelers who need to sell their work to customers in person, and that jewelry display cases are only useful in store settings or booths. But think about the photographs you take of your own jewelry to […]
How Office Organization Boosts Productivity – Part 3
• An organized office makes it easier to concentrate. When we see clutter in our environment, it often reflects negatively on our state of mind. We feel cluttered psychologically, and have a difficult time focusing on our tasks. A nice, neat office where everything is in order makes for clearer minds and more efficient workers. […]
How Office Organization Boosts Productivity – Part 2
• If you are in charge of inventory, you also will know what is in your stockroom. You will not waste time and money doing unnecessary ordering. A lot of companies end up buying a lot more supplies than they will ever use, and that has a negative impact on expenses, which eats into company […]
How Office Organization Boosts Productivity – Part 1
Are you in charge of keeping your office organized? Whether you work for yourself and need to organize your home office or you work at a company and need to organize small office space, there are a lot of good reasons to take the extra time and invest in a good organizational system. When your […]
Advantages of Plastic Storage Containers – Part 3
• Organize by color. If you do not want to use clear plastic bins, you can also try using color coded bins. This is common in the waste management and medical industries. Many people enjoy using color coded bins in the home as well in the laundry room, home office, or closet. They are also […]
Advantages of Plastic Storage Containers – Part 2
• Protective. Another thing cardboard doesn’t do is seal off and protect the contents of your container. Plastic on the other hand does, if you buy a sealable container. Plastic bins with lids can keep out moisture and protect your possessions from the elements. This makes them perfect for self storage, or an attic or […]
Advantages of Plastic Storage Containers – Part 1
Why opt for plastic storage containers as your primary organizational tool? There are many different uses for plastic bins, though you could just as easily choose other methods of organizing: wood crates, cardboard boxes, or even metal containers. Plastic has a number of advantages over these other materials, however. Here are just a few of […]
How to Start a Recycling Program in Your Office – Part 3
4. Purchase plastic recycling bins. Most offices will probably just need a set of recycling wastebaskets. These units are small and look a lot like the trash bins you are probably already using, but they are usually blue and feature a recycling logo, making their purpose obvious. Set these up next to trash cans and […]
How to Start a Recycling Program in Your Office – Part 2
2. Figure out what you need. Every office is different and produces different patterns of waste. You will need to take a tour through your office and take stock of areas where office recycling bins should probably be located. Check which types of materials accumulate as waste in those rooms: cardboard, paper, plastics, and so […]
How to Start a Recycling Program in Your Office – Part 1
Every year according to the EPA, the average office worker in the US uses 10,000 sheets of paper during the course of work. That adds up to 4 million tons of copy paper each and every year. That’s a lot of trees. And a lot of waste. In our electronic era, we don’t need to […]
Green Office Tips – Part 3
• Set up an office recycling solution. You can do this by purchasing a set of office recycling bins. These blue wastebaskets are easily identifiable, and you can place one next to each of your normal trash cans. To encourage people in your office to use them, tape pictograms to the sides of recycling bins […]
Green Office Tips – Part 2
• Did you know the average office worker in the US uses 10,000 sheets of paper each year? Avoid printing when you don’t have to, and when you do print, try using both sides of your paper when you can get away with it. Shop for recycled paper too if you can. Encourage people in […]
Green Office Tips – Part 1
Looking for green office tips which will help you to protect the environment in the workplace? The office is one area where you can easily make a difference. It may not feel like much, but it adds up when workplaces around the world make similar efforts. It all has to start somewhere, and it can […]
Go Green – Part 3
By purchasing and using recycling bins, you are helping the environment by making it easier to manufacture more green products like our recycled bins. Trash that has been sorted according to material can be transferred to facilities where it can be reprocessed and given a new function. When you read statistics about the environment and […]
Go Green – Part 2
The second category of products we have to offer are recycling bins. One of the simplest and most effective green office tips is to simply put recycling bins next to your normal waste receptacles, and encourage your staff to use them. Our recycling bins, containers and trucks are also ideal for home, retail, and industrial […]
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