Monday 11 February, 2013

Housekeeping Cart Features – Part 3

How much can you expect to pay for a high-quality housekeeping cart? These carts are not cheap—expect to pay around $1000, give or take a few hundred, to get one which is of the best caliber. This may seem like a substantial investment but you’ll save a lot of money in the long run by […]

Friday 08 February, 2013

Housekeeping Cart Features – Part 2

Shelves are important for housekeeping cart accessories. You can use the shelves on the cart to store cleaning supplies like rags and cleaning solutions (wood cleaner, glass cleaner, and general cleaner). You also can use shelves to hold linens and towels for changing the sheets on beds and switching out the bathroom towels for fresh, […]

Wednesday 06 February, 2013

Housekeeping Cart Features – Part 1

If you own a hotel or another similar business that requires that you hire a housekeeping staff, you can make their jobs much easier by providing them with housekeeping cart organizers. These deluxe carts provide plenty of storage compartments for cleaning supplies and more so that your team doesn’t have to keep running to the […]

Monday 04 February, 2013

Ergonomic Craft Organization – Part 3

Organizing a craft area is a challenge sometimes—it can be a whole craft in itself. It’s much easier to accomplish with craft storage containers, however, which you can place within easy reach using a craft cabinet. By keeping your supplies within reach, you can reduce the strain you put on your body and enjoy longer […]

Friday 01 February, 2013

Ergonomic Craft Organization – Part 2

When you organize your craft cabinet, figure out which supplies you use the most and which ones you use the least. Put items you seldom use inside the bottom drawers of the cabinet, and place items you use more frequently at a level which is easy to reach if you’re sitting down to do your […]

Wednesday 30 January, 2013

Ergonomic Craft Organization – Part 1

There’s no denying that crafting is a lot of fun, whether you knit, make jewelry, scrapbook, or do any other activity with your hands to make a creative product. If you spend hours at a time crafting, however, reaching for supplies can become not only tedious, but painful. If you want to increase your comfort […]

Monday 28 January, 2013

Equip Your Hotel Staff for Success with Specialty Supplies – Part 3

While you’re at it, you’ll want to stock up on brooms, mopping supplies, and other accessories like dust pans and buckets for cleaning. While the mopping system will provide you with a bucket, you may need additional buckets for more complex cleaning tasks. Stock up on vacuums, attachments, cleaning rags, dusters, and bottles for cleaning […]

Friday 25 January, 2013

Equip Your Hotel Staff for Success with Specialty Supplies – Part 2

If you have a little more budget available to spend, you can get a deluxe housekeeping cart which has additional benefits like bumpers for easy steering and furniture protection, as well as advanced customization and organizational features. Since you’ll have open space on top of whichever type of cart you buy, you can utilize that […]

Wednesday 23 January, 2013

Equip Your Hotel Staff for Success with Specialty Supplies – Part 1

While janitorial staff members in all facilities require specialized equipment, there are many items which are specific to hotel housekeeping and cleaning. Important housekeeping supplies and equipment include housekeeping carts, mopping systems, and accessories and tools like vacuums, mops, brooms, and dust pans. What are some basic janitorial supplies online you can order to equip […]

Monday 21 January, 2013

Build Up a Year’s Food Supply with Buckets – Part 3

Along with bins and buckets, you’ll also probably want to invest in a number of round or square plastic containers in which you can store small amounts of food. Ingredient bins and containers can also be helpful. It’s a good time to make sure that your kitchen is fully stocked with cooing supplies too, including […]

Friday 18 January, 2013

Build Up a Year’s Food Supply with Buckets – Part 2

Food grade buckets are among the most useful supplies you’ll find for long term storage purposes. These buckets can hold 10 or more gallons of foodstuffs, and are a great place to store bulk grains and other supplies which you will need a lot of and which can last a long time. Heavy-duty containers with […]

Wednesday 16 January, 2013

Build Up a Year’s Food Supply with Buckets – Part 1

In increasingly uncertain times, a lot of people are becoming interested in topics like long term food storage. While it’s not realistic to store every type of food you could possibly need for long time periods, there are a lot of foods which you can safely store for one year or longer. Foods with a […]

Monday 14 January, 2013

Dividable Bins: A Crafter’s Best Friend – Part 3

Another type of craft storage compartment which may appeal to you is the free standing slider. This is a standing shelf which includes four panels, front to back, which can be slid out at your convenience to access all of the panels and the bins which they hold. If you’re trying to save space, this […]

Friday 11 January, 2013

Dividable Bins: A Crafter’s Best Friend – Part 2

Craft storage boxes are usually transparent, which has an immediate advantage since while you’re crafting you probably are reaching for new supplies regularly, and need to be able to find what you’re looking for quickly and easily. Having to set down a piece you’re working on in order to search for a supply can result […]

Wednesday 09 January, 2013

Dividable Bins: A Crafter’s Best Friend – Part 1

Crafting can be a wonderful activity, one which can enrich your life and allow you to make beautiful items that can enhance the lives of others. Whether you’re a professional or a hobbyist, however, one hassle with many artisan crafts is keeping supplies in order. Crafts storage solutions such as crafts supplies organizers can make […]