Wednesday 10 July, 2013

Organize Your Stockroom to Increase Retail Efficiency Part 3

By organizing your backroom stock, you will have an easier time finding what you need when it comes time to replenish your stock on the sales floor. This is particularly important if you operate several stores and need to coordinate between shops. You could for example have a set of shelves dedicated to each shop, […]

By organizing your backroom stock, you will have an easier time finding what you need when it comes time to replenish your stock on the sales floor. This is particularly important if you operate several stores and need to coordinate between shops. You could for example have a set of shelves dedicated to each shop, and then use your bins to sort specific items. You could also organize the other way around, with one shelf dedicated to each type of item and different bin colors allocating products to stock in different shops. Color-coding is intuitive and easy to understand at a glance. This helps as well if you don’t have a dedicated stockroom assistant, and instead need to explain to retail employees where they can find what they need in back. Regardless of how you distribute your employees, stockroom organization methods like these reduce the amount of time you need to spend restocking your sales floor.

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