Monday 23 October, 2023

How to Declutter to Move Into a Tiny House, Part 1

If you’re thinking about downsizing into a tiny house, you may have quite a bit of work ahead of you in terms of decluttering, particularly if you live in a large house now. For some people, decluttering is easy, but for many, it can be challenging in both the logistical and emotional sense. If you […]

If you’re thinking about downsizing into a tiny house, you may have quite a bit of work ahead of you in terms of decluttering, particularly if you live in a large house now. For some people, decluttering is easy, but for many, it can be challenging in both the logistical and emotional sense.

If you need some help to figure out how to declutter to move into a tiny house, these tips should get you started:

1. Find a way to visualize your space.

Before you can effectively begin downsizing to a smaller home, you need to know what you have to work with. If you already have a house picked out, you should know the exact square footage that will be at your disposal. If you do not, determine what range of square footage you will shop for, and proceed accordingly.

It can be difficult to translate numbers into geographic space inside your head. So you should pick a wide open space (i.e. your driveway), and actually mark out that square footage (for example with chalk).

You will then be able to visualize easily exactly how much space will be available in your tiny home. Do not forget that some areas will be occupied by built-in furnishings such as kitchen cabinetry.

2. Take actual measurements.

You should leave nothing up to guesswork. If you plan to take some of your existing furnishings with you, get a measuring tape and find out whether it is actually going to be feasible.

3. Only make use of storage if it is going to be a long-term solution.

You may be tempted to rent or borrow a large storage space somewhere, and simply store a lot of your possessions there so that you can put off the decluttering phase and move into a tiny house immediately.

Why should you reconsider? The problem with doing this is that all too often, what is intended as a short-term solution turns into a long-term one. You end up with unexpected hassles and expenses. You simply never get around to decluttering.

There’s nothing wrong with storage, but make sure that it is part of your long-term plan before you decide to make use of it. If it is not, it may be better to take the time to declutter first. That may mean a delay in the short-term, but in the long run, you will be glad you made that choice.

4. Make use of decluttering strategies.

If the logistical or emotional aspects of decluttering are holding you back from success, try some of the recommended best techniques for decluttering which I have posted previously in this blog.

While you are at it, make sure that you have plastic bins for decluttering on hand as well as other supplies to facilitate the process.

These suggestions should be enough to get you started on your downsizing efforts. For more helpful tips for decluttering before moving into a tiny house, read on to Part 2.

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