Areas in Your Home You May Be Neglecting
Perhaps every inch of your home is organized … but probably not. Most of us have “blind spots” we develop in our homes, areas which we walk past every day without noticing at all. More often than not, these areas become cluttered, because we are neglecting them. We may occasionally make use of them, or […]
Perhaps every inch of your home is organized … but probably not. Most of us have “blind spots” we develop in our homes, areas which we walk past every day without noticing at all. More often than not, these areas become cluttered, because we are neglecting them. We may occasionally make use of them, or other household members might, but since we never think about them, we never get them organized.
Organizing these areas is important, not just for your own sake, but for that of other people. Just because you do not notice the mess does not mean other people in your household don’t, or that guests staying over don’t. Before you go on your next shopping run for organization products for the home, check to see whether you are neglecting any of these common areas in your house.
• The guest room. If your house has a guest room, its level of organization probably depends on how often it is used. If you have guests over frequently, it may very well be the most organized room in your home! If not, though, it is common for guest rooms to turn gradually into secondary storage rooms. When is the last time you tried to organize your guest room? Have a look in there and see what you can do to free up space and get it tidier.
• Cupboards and closets you rarely use. Do you have cupboards or closets where you store seasonal items, old boxes and instruction manuals, and household appliances you rarely use? Most homes have one or more of these spaces, and they can quickly become neglected, especially if the house is designed in such a way that these areas are meant to be overlooked (i.e. the cupboard under your stairs).
• Under your bed. Do you have extra space under your bed? This is very common in dorm rooms, but many people also keep extra storage under their beds at home as well. Children do this more frequently than adults. If you or your children have clutter under the bed, consider investing in a set of plastic storage containers. These can fit perfectly under the bed, and can keep that space from getting out of control.
The neglected areas in a home will vary from one household to the next. You may have the areas above well in hand—but if so, what other parts of your home are you neglecting? Set aside an hour one of these days to walk through your house from room to room, looking at everything very carefully. Sometimes organizational blind spots are shoved out of sight, and thus out of mind (like the areas above). Sometimes though they are out in the open—for example, that pile of papers that has been accumulating on your desk, or that crafting area where your supplies and projects are starting to pile up. Once you identify these problem areas, you can purchase handy household storage containers and tidy up!
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