18 Gauge Open Steel Shelving Starter Kit - 18 Gauge Open Steel Shelving Starter Kit
Open Shelving Units are ideal for Garage and Office storage and organization. Shelving offers easy access to product, high visibility and air flow from all sides. Units are available in 18 & 20 gauge, 4 heights and 15 shelf sizes. Each starter kit includes 4 offset posts (punched on 1" centers for easy adjustment), one pair back sway braces, 2 pair side sway braces and selected number of shelves with corresponding hardware (nuts and bolts for top and bottom shelf, clips for intermediate shelves) Each add-on unit includes 2 offset posts, one beaded post, one pair back sway braces, one pair side sway braces and selected number of shelves. Shelves are engineered for superior strength and are triple bent on all four sides. Easy and quick assembly. Available in Gray.